Cryptocurrency work week
Elon Musk said he works 120hrs/wk and I believe him. In fact, I have him beat by 48hrs. I’m currently at 168hrs/wk.
Elon lit up the internet with his claims and of course everyone had their say. From self-righteous employers who would “never let their employees work more than 35 hours a week”, to statisticians from the BLS who drew on data to prove it simply isn’t possible. Others have pointed out that the quality of work is a diminishing return after 50hrs.
Elon later clarified his claim saying if you love what you do, you wouldn’t view it as work and of course he loves what he does, so there!
Well, I love what I do so my claim is 24hrs/day = 168hrs/wk. When I’m awake all I think about are #cryptocurrency, #blockchain, #bitcoin. when I go to sleep that’s all I dream about. One night last week, I dreamt I was giving this amazing talk about the future of cryptocurrencies. The audience was listening with rapt attention. Everyone was nodding along to everything I said. Everyone, except this one belligerent guy.
When I finished my speech, the audience leapt to their feet to give me a passionate standing ovation. I bowed in appreciation. I pointed at the crowd and winked to show that I was not only very humble but also very cool. Audience kept standing and clapping, belligerent guy remained seated with his arms folded.
“I’ll take questions now”, I said
“Bitcoin is a scam” he yelled out.
“Okay, that’s an opinion, do you have a specific question?” I asked.
“The chains of blockchain will soon be unshackled”!
“Haha! very clever, but that’s still not a question”
“In 1637, the tulip mania…” he began to say but never finished. There was an explosion and gunmen raided the room. It was an armed robbery. They forced everyone to give up their jewelry and their wallets full of fiat currency.
They searched me and found nothing except some odd-looking USB device. They asked what was stored on it and I said, “pictures of cats and stuff”. They asked if I had any cash or credit cards, I told them I didn’t. They looked puzzled but moved on to the next victim.
I smiled to myself. All my money was in crypto and the USB device was my hardware wallet!
Belligerent guy was in tears as wads of cash were taken from his pocket. I felt very sorry for him until he yelled to the robbers, “why does he get to keep his money just because it’s in cryptocurrency?”
The robbers were confused. “Crypto what now?”
“Cryptocurrency! you know, digital currency that’s built on a blockchain!”
I laughed nervously and gave the universal signal of indicating that the dude was a nutcase. The robbers made to leave but belligerent guy yelled “He has his private keys stored on the USB hard wallet in his pocket”.
The robbers turned around and started walking towards me. “Pictures of cats and stuff huh?”
My nervous laughter morphed into involuntary spasms. “Let me explain…”
They didn’t.
I was thrown to the ground and they started jumping on me. I raised my hands to avoid getting hit in the face and just then I woke up to find my son jumping on me.
“Let’s go play NBA 2K!” he kept repeating.
It was a dream. I put my hand underneath my pillow, hardware wallet was still there.
Weird dream but still counts as work. I guess those that said the quality of work is a diminishing return after 50hrs were right.
“NBA 2K!”.
“Okay, lets go”.
The game lasted 30 minutes so technically I only worked 167.5hrs last week. But if Elon Musk can round 50hrs/wk or so to 120hrs/wk, then please find it in your heart to forgive me for rounding 167.5hr to 168hrs.